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Majo Ideas // Vol 9. FACES

$ 24.00

Featuring Artwork by Kehinde Wiley & Dev Heyrana

For every person in every place, upon their body sits a unique face. Let's celebrate this signature look by drawing portraits and decorating a lil' book...and more!


MAJO was founded by Alex Aranda and Ligaya Tichy.

Alex and Ligaya are two design-obsessed mamas who love making art with their kids. They believe that lifelong creative habits start at home and early. The two met virtually for the first time in October 2021 and began discussing the role of art in early childhood. Independently faced with raising young children during the pandemic, they found themselves scrambling for engaging activities. Art projects were pivotal in providing an opportunity to connect with their kids — to create, collaborate, and be inspired. Realizing their shared passion for bringing the family together around art, MAJO was born.